Underwater Technology Center Ltd. (UTC) was established in 2003 with a mission to create a device that would allow divers to communicate in ways never seen before.
An expert team of scientists, engineers and experienced divers joined forces to develop breakthrough digital underwater communications technology – UDI, a compact device that enables divers to transmit text messages, also featuring SOS and homing capabilities, combined with a high quality diving computer (RGBM based) and digital 3D compass.
The staff at UTC utilized their combined expertise in fields as varied as electronics, mechanics, moulds, wave propagation, software, integration, legal, IP, QC and production.
The team worked with a close understanding of the challenges posed by underwater communication, and with the technological know-how to develop a system that enables direct digital underwater communication at ranges of up to 1,000 meters while also improving diving safety to unparalleled levels.
UTC’s UDI device is a robust, proven and patented technology that is leading the field of underwater communications.
At UTC, the technical expertise and profound mastery of underwater digital communications is driving a number of new developments for the technology in other industries, and assures UTC’s solid reputation as a pioneer in the field.
All of UTC’s developments have been protected by a number of patents (among them US 6125080, US 6120859, US 6272072 and more) as well as trademarked designs.